The ancient practice of acupuncture leverages tiny sterile needles placed in specific sites along the body’s energetic meridians to stimulate nerves, muscles and connective tissues. This targeted stimulation triggers the release of natural pain relievers like endorphins and serotonin. Clinical trials substantiate using acupuncture to treat various types of pain including:
- Chronic lower back pain
- Joint pain including, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
- Headaches and migraines
- Menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea)
- Sports sprains, knee pain, golfer and tennis elbow
- Post-operative pain

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An integrative approach to recurrent pregnancy loss and implantation failure- Dr Ursula Ritz
At East Winds, we believe you are not only “what” you eat, but also how efficiently you absorb your food. Our goal is to provide you with the tools...
CCRM Fertility
CNY Fertility
Fertility and TCM, An Interview With Dr Diane Cridennda with Jennifer Waters
Acupuncture Today

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Lectures $ Seminars
Dr. Lorne Brown interviews Dr. Paul Magarelli on Egg and Embryo quality and more!
PCOS: Egg Quality and Beyond
What women with PCOS need to know if trying to get pregnant
Taking The Pain Out of Endometriosis Using Acupuncture: The facts
What PCOS patients are missing when it comes to testing and treatments
Why a Sperm Test is Not Enough to Determine Infertility

East Winds Acupuncture is one of the most frequently suggested acupuncture clinics that specializes in fertility in the Denver and Colorado Springs area, as well as nationwide. East Winds Acupuncture has earned respect and the confidence of the western medicine fertility community, and they trust that we will provide the best care. East Winds Acupuncture provides research-based treatments combined with ancient Chinese Medicine to get not only excellent results, but to develop a relationship with our couples to help support them through trying and stressful times.
Conceptions Reproductive Associates of Colorado
https://www.eastwindsacupuncture.com/conceptions-reproductive-associates-of-colorado/CNY Fertility
Making Priceless Affordable Call us today 844-315-2229 Contact Us Pay Bill Patient Portal Resources Schedule Appointment EN العربية 简体中文 English Español Français Deutsch Italiano Nederlands Português Русский Fertility TreatmentsFertility Treatments Fertility Treatments Learn about all of our treatment options! Assisted Reproduction Ovulation Induction IUI | Intrauterine Insemination IVF | In Vitro Fertilization FET […]
Affiliates East Winds Acupuncture is one of the most frequently suggested acupuncture clinics that specializes in fertility in the Denver and Colorado Springs area, as well as nationwide. East Winds Acupuncture has earned respect and the confidence of the western medicine fertility community, and they trust that we will provide the best care. East […]

Medical Articles
Acupuncture and In Vitro Fertilization: Does the Number of Treatments Impact Reproductive Outcomes?
D.K. Cridennda L.Ac.(1), P.C. Magarelli MD, Ph.D. (2) , and M. Cohen, MBA (2). .(1),...
Acupuncture in IVF Linked to Lower Miscarriage and Ectopic Rates
Cridennda Magarelli research Presented at ASRM 2007 PHILADELPHIA – Women who receive...
Medical Articles – Archive
Published Diane and Dr. Magarelli published a chapter in Western Medical textbook called...
Serum cortisol & prolactin with acupuncture during ovarian hyperstimulation in IVF
Changes in serum cortisol and prolactin associated with acupuncture during controlled...
Acupuncture: Impact on Pregnancy Outcomes in IVF Patients
12th World Congress on Human Reproduction, Venice Italy March 2005 Paul C. Magarelli,...
Improvement of IVF Outcomes by Acupuncture: Are egg and embryo qualities involved?
Paul C. Magarelli, M.D., Ph.D., a Diane Cridennda, L.Ac. b, Mel Cohen, MBA a...

Optimizing Health
At East Winds, we believe you are not only “what” you eat, but also how efficiently you absorb your food. Our goal is to provide you with the tools...
How to Improve Your Fertility by Creating “Optimal Health”
The primary focus for couples today is to have a baby. Most of you know that fertility has declined in recent years. Many women are waiting longer...
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