Male Fertility Acupuncture, Male Hormonal Health, Male Infertility, Male Infertility & Acupuncture Treatment, Men's Health, What We Treat
How can Traditional Chinese Medicine help with prostate health? Acupuncture and Oriental medicine have been used to keep healthy prostate gland working optimally, by circulation of Qi and Blood to the pelvis it enhances the blood flow. Like women men need to have...
Male Fertility Acupuncture, Male Hormonal Health, Male Infertility, Male Infertility & Acupuncture Treatment, Men's Health, What We Treat
Hormone balance in men is just as important for a healthy, happy life as it is for women…. Just like women go through menopause, men have a similar hormonal shift during middle age. Around the age of 40, testosterone levels begin to drop about 1% per year. As well...
Male Fertility Acupuncture, Male Hormonal Health, Male Infertility, Male Infertility & Acupuncture Treatment, Men's Health
You will have a two-hour initial visit which includes detailed health history plus your first acupuncture treatment. Generally speaking, I like to see you once per week, and I will be making other recommendations based on your specific imbalance. Thin disposable...
Male Fertility Acupuncture, Male Hormonal Health, Male Infertility, Male Infertility & Acupuncture Treatment, Men's Health
Traditional Chinese medicine treats the whole person, and can often resolve male factor infertility quickly, safely and effectively. If you and your partner are trying naturally, or are undergoing assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as intrauterine...
Lectures & Seminars, Resources
Lectures and Seminars Join Diane and Dr. Magarelli on the podcast FUNdamentally Fertile as they debunk some myths about PCOS, its origins, its link with insulin resistance and poor eating habits, and treatment options....
Article, Diane and Dr. Magarelli’s Articles, Medical Articles, Resources
D.K. Cridennda L.Ac.(1), P.C. Magarelli MD, Ph.D. (2) , and M. Cohen, MBA (2). .(1), East Winds Acupuncture Colorado Springs, CO; (2) Reproductive Medicine & Fertility Center, Colorado Springs, CO Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal...
Medical Articles, Resources
Cridennda Magarelli research Presented at ASRM 2007 PHILADELPHIA – Women who receive acupuncture during the stimulation phase of an in vitro fertilization cycle and again immediately after embryo transfer have a higher live-birth rate than do controls, according to...
Medical Articles, Resources
Published Diane and Dr. Magarelli published a chapter in Western Medical textbook called “Infertility and Assisted Reproduction” by Botros Rizk. This is the first-ever western textbook to report acupuncture combined with Assisted Reproduction. It is published by...