At East Winds Acupuncture, we proudly present a compassionate and holistic approach to fertility through our Natural Cycle IVF protocol. This method allows individuals to pursue conception in a nurturing environment, minimizing the reliance on high doses of fertility medications. By concentrating on the naturally produced egg, we strive to create a tranquil experience that enhances your chances of success.

Why Opt for Natural Cycle IVF?

Natural Cycle IVF may be ideal for you if you:

  • Prefer to avoid fertility medications for health reasons.
  • Want to reduce the financial burden associated with fertility drugs.
  • Have ethical, moral, or religious concerns regarding medication use.
  • Are over 35 and looking for a more natural fertility option.
  • Experience difficulty in producing multiple eggs through medication.
  • Aim to mitigate the risks associated with multiple pregnancies.
  • Prefer not to freeze eggs or embryos for future use.

Our Gentle Natural Cycle IVF Process

Led by Dr. Danielle, our evidence-based approach ensures that your IVF journey is customized to meet your individual needs:

  • Personalized Care: We carefully regulate your menstrual cycle with minimal hormone support to optimize egg retrieval while avoiding high dosages of fertility drugs.
  • Natural Egg Focus: Our emphasis is on nurturing the one naturally produced egg each cycle, ensuring its highest quality.
  • Gentle Monitoring: We closely monitor your egg’s development through hormone assessments and pelvic ultrasounds, allowing us to pinpoint the optimal moment for ovulation.
  • Precise Timing: An hCG injection is used to gently induce ovulation at the right time.
  • Safe Retrieval: Egg retrieval is conducted using a transvaginal ultrasound-guided aspiration tool, a minimally invasive outpatient procedure.
  • Comfortable Experience: With local anesthesia, you can typically resume your normal activities the following day.
  • Embryo Nurturing: Your egg is fertilized via Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) in our advanced embryological lab, with careful monitoring until the embryos reach the ideal blastocyst stage.
  • Thoughtful Transfer: The embryo is gently transferred to your uterus using an insemination catheter, ensuring a careful and precise process.

At East Winds Acupuncture, we are dedicated to supporting you throughout this beautiful journey with expertise and compassion. Embrace a conception path that resonates with your values and promotes your well-being. Contact us today to discover how Natural Cycle IVF can harmoniously integrate into your fertility journey.