Male Fertility Acupuncture, Male Infertility & Acupuncture Treatment, Men's Health, What We Treat
Male Infertility & Acupuncture Treatment Studies show that while 50% of the time infertility is due to female factors, 50% of the time it is due to male factors, and 10% of the time it’s the result is of a combination of both the man and the woman. If you are...
Fertility, Male Fertility Acupuncture, Male Hormonal Health, Male Infertility, Male Infertility & Acupuncture Treatment, Men's Health, What We Treat
Male Fertility & Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Traditional Chinese medicine treats the whole person and can often resolve male factor infertility quickly, safely, and effectively. Examples of fertility treatments that we offer: Natural conception IVF...
Male Fertility Acupuncture, Male Infertility, Male Infertility & Acupuncture Treatment, Men's Health, What We Treat
Studies show that while 50% of the time infertility is due to female factors, 50% of the time it is due to male factors and 10% of the time the result is of a combination of both women and men. If you are experiencing difficulties getting pregnant, it is important...
Pain Treatment, Sports Acupuncture, What We Treat
Acupuncture for Atheletes Colorado Springs Over-training or pushing too hard during a race will affect all athletes at one time or another. Performance will be impaired and sets the athlete up for injuries. Integrating Oriental Medicine is invaluable for an athlete’s...
Pediatrics, What We Treat
Acupuncture for Kids Colorado Springs PreviousNext 1234 Pediatric Needle-free Acupuncture Treating Children with Oriental Medicine Shoni-Shin (shon=little, ni=children, shin= needle) is a Japanese style of needle-free treatments for infants and children. This method...
Pain Treatment, What We Treat
Pain Treatment With Acupuncture Colorado Springs Probably the most familiar and most-researched application of acupuncture is its use in effectively treating many types of pain. From headaches and migraines to acute trauma, arthritis and abdominal pain, back...