How does acupuncture-Oriental Medicine Work?

Oriental Medicine (OM) includes Acupuncture, Herbology, Moxibustion,  Tui Na (Chinese massage) dietary therapy and exercise. The Chinese  developed and understanding of the body and the specific pathways to all  organs. This network is like a web which goes deeply...

What can I expect?

The acupuncturist will sit down with you and ask about medical  history, likes/dislikes, sleeping habits, emotions, stressors, cravings,  energy levels and when they drop and an array of questions to get an  idea what kind of “terrain” your body is showing, dry, wet,...

Does it hurt?

Most people do feel something, not necessarily a sharp sensation like when you get an injection. Acupuncture needles are about twice the size of a human hair and are fillform (solid, not hollow) since we don’t have to take something out or put something into your...

Is it safe?

When looking for an acupuncturist be sure to look for proper  qualifications. Many chiropractors and MD’s perform acupuncture.  Depending on which state, these practitioners are required to get about  100 hours of training to give acupuncture. An NCCAOM (National ...

How many treatments will I need?

This  will depend on the duration, severity, and nature of your complaint as  well as your overall health. A series of five to fifteen treatments may  resolve many chronic problems. Some degenerative conditions may require  many treatments over time. Chinese herbs can...