When looking for an acupuncturist be sure to look for proper qualifications. Many chiropractors and MD’s perform acupuncture. Depending on which state, these practitioners are required to get about 100 hours of training to give acupuncture. An NCCAOM (National ...
This will depend on the duration, severity, and nature of your complaint as well as your overall health. A series of five to fifteen treatments may resolve many chronic problems. Some degenerative conditions may require many treatments over time. Chinese herbs can...
Wear minimal make up (we need to see your complexion) and don’t scrape scrub or brush your tongue, we need to see it in its natural state.
There are too many to list, but the World Health Organization has reported more than 43 conditions, including allergies, asthma, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, colds, flu, constipation, depression, gynecological disorder, headache, heart problems, infertility,...
Over five thousand years ago, the Chinese discovered the complex relationship between stimulating a point on the skin to influence a particular organ or organ pathway. Acupuncture uses thin sterile disposable needles that are inserted into acupuncture points to...